Saturday, December 31, 2022

How The Chocolate Hills in Bohol Was Formed?


(based on the Chocolate Hills Monument)

The unique landform known as the Chocolate Hills of Bohol was formed ages ago by the uplift of coral deposits and the action of rainwater and erosion.

These hills are scattered throughout the towns of Carmen, Batuan, and Sagbayan, and consist of 1268 mounds of the same general shape.

About two million years ago, most of the island of Bohol was below shall sea coral reefs, similar to those now found offshore of Northern Bohol, thrived and extensively covered the sea floor.

During the stormy days, fragments of corals and shells derived by waves from the reefs were deposited mostly at the landward side of the reefs.

The coral and shell fragments formed relatively thin layers (brown) surrounding the live coral reefs (pink).

Slowly, the land rose causing the coral reef formations to emerge out of the sea. The southern sections of Bohol island had been uplifted more than the northern sections.

The Chocolate hills had been carved out from the relatively thin layers of coral and shell fragments.
During the initial stage, the surface may have looked like as gullies, these were developed in the low lying areas and lakes occupied pre-existing depressions.

Coral and shell fragments are largely composed of calcium carbonate. A chemical compound which can be dissolved by acidic solution.

Rainwater becomes slightly acidic by dissolving some carbon dioxide form the atmosphere. Thus, rainwater can dissolve coral and shell fragments but this happens very slowly.

With rainwater acting on the layer of coral and shell fragments for tens to hundreds of thousands of years, gullies were deepened and widened to become streams, lakes were emptied by underground rivers and interconnected conical hills were formed from the original flat surface.

The Stairs Going To The Landing Area Where The Scenic View of the Chocolate Hills of Bohol Can Be Seen in a 360 Degree Angle

Listen to us via @Spotify by clicking the video playback below or follow us through Apple Podcast or via Spotify.

thanks for dropping by, what are your thoughts about The Chocolate Hills of Bohol Philippines

-- bmvd

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Content Creators Symposium 2022: Learnings and TakeAways

Content Creator's Symposium 2022 was held at the EVM Convention Center in Quezon City PH, hosted by CEBSI (Christian Era Broadcasting Service International), a non-stock, non-profit broadcasting corporation. CEBSI is the broadcasting arm of the Iglesia Ni Cristo.

It is an exclusive-by-invite-only-event for digital content creators majorly catered to INC members, although, we have seen some non-INC visitors - which is all the more great for this first-ever launching of Content Creators Symposium.

I was impressed (as usual) because the organizers proceeded with caution and care by catering for free anti-gen testing before any of the participants can enter the venue. It was a note of concern and care for the welfare of the attendees. If you got positive in the anti-gen test, it's a disqualifier for entry.

The event started at around 9:00 AM Manila Time, kicked-off with warm welcome registration and giving of Symposium Kit - composing of notebook, ID & lanyard, pen, sourvenirs, stickos, event itinerary, and badges.

As early as 8:00 AM, the ushers served breakfast, and bottled water - for free! I was not expecting that they have also prepared us lunch, dinner; as well as treats and freebies from sponsors, like 

  • Creative
  • Adobe 
  • Neat.Io 
  • AutoDesk
  • UGee Philippines

There were roughly 90 content creators who attended; a mixed of veterans, just-getting-started, and mid-level famous creators; MayorTV, Pinoy Influencer & Host Jam were there and shared interesting facts and executable-do-it-your-self tips in the world of digital creation and content management.

Let's dive in to meat of the event, and learn from what it has offered and imparted to the audience.

Learnings and TakeAways:

1. Content Creation keynote from the award-winning Director of Guerrero movie -- Carlo Cuevas 

- shared his insights on:

  • the Creative Process (selecting and planning for your contents/creations)
  • Why am I doing this?
  • Conceptualization
  • Execution (where, when, what, who, how and why) tips

2. Adobe Express, Adobe Rush - Free digital Tools DEMO and TIPs

- Formerly Adobe Spark mobile & desktop app, Belle Roxas and Rollan Banes led the discussion and showcased the tips and how-tos of using Adobe Express and Adobe Rush.

- These two apps are the app-to-use-on-the-go, quite user-friendly (similar to Canva) for content creators in the digital age.

3. PRIME for success Interactive Discussion from Host Jam

- One of the most interactive activity-game-immersion type of learning in the event.

- Host Jam, a wedding event influencer in SocMed soared high in uplifting the inspirational sparks of the audience by sharing personal experiences and historical examples of behaviors and skills to achieve success in digital content creation. 

  • Process takes time
  • Reason must precede action
  • Individuality is forever
  • Movement sparks friction
  • Enthusiasm begins with Him

4. Content Creator's Lounge and Booths

- It's an openly wide area matched with comfy cushions and tables, strategically placed facing the stage with a 3D like effect given the projection on its LED Wall TVs,
- The goto place to interact with fellow creators, get to know them, and share/scan QRs to promote each other's platforms, some of the fellow creators i got the chance to interact with (click the link for their YT or FB platforms):

5. The Editorial Policy

- An in-depth discussion of policies and guidelines in order to be a better functional content creator in this era of increasing digital contents (from extremes of good and bad, to lowkeys, impressive and virtue-aligned contents) which will help mold the future and direction of social media and consumption of digital assets.

- It's not how many likes or followers you have, the real question is, are you driven to create contents within the bounds of righteousness?

- Waiver of rights for your subject, the need for attributions and the importance of copyrights

- Other sensitive and important topics which aim to protect the content creator holistically and for the welfare of the human race, who, at any time can consume such digital contents in a snap of a finger because of the accessibility and availability of content creation.

My overall impression:

5 stars out of 5 stars  and super-enlightening. In conclusion, I do look forward in the future events such as this.

Lots of thanks go to CEBSI, its organizers, and the Administration of INC.


Friday, October 14, 2022

Podcast S1 E1 Mount Fuji



Follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcast



Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Lokal Ng Imus - 94th Anniversary (A Bit Of Behind The Scenes)

Pangako Niya'y Tapat, Sa Siyam na Dekada't Apat.

Locale Congregation of Imus

Ecclesiastical District of Cavite South

25th of September 2022


"Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ"

-- Ephesians 5:20-21

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God."
--- 1st John 4:7

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil."
-- Ecclesiastes 4:9


           "And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."

--  Colossians 3:14


Sunday, September 11, 2022

How To Get Rid of Hiccups?

Top 3 Simplest method of getting rid of hiccups:


1. Breathe in slowly through your nose until your lungs are full.

2. Slowly exhale out of your mouth.

Repeat 1 or 2 times.


Drinking water upside down.

Lean forward at 90 degree angle and drink a full glass of water upside down (cup to top lip).


Eating a spoonful of peanut butter or sugar.

For the whole audio file... visit The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast.

Powered, and in partnership with

Monday, August 15, 2022

9 Ways To Be Effortlessly Confident

1. Start Working Out.

Nothing will increase your confidence like daily exercise.

You don't need to go overboard. Just 45 minutes of exercise per day can go a long way.

The increase blood flow and endorphins that are released will boost your confidence like nothing else.

2. Work On Your Appearance.

Make time for a basic grooming routine, and learn how to dress properly.

It's not difficult, simply wear clothes that compliment your body type.

3.  Adapt strong body language.

Body language has a huge impact on your confidence.

Negative body language can make you more nervous, unconfident, and awkward.

Stand tall, shoulders back, and keep your head up. 

4. Work towards your goal.

Achieving your goals will contribute greatly to your feelings of self-confidence.

This type of confidence stems from your abilities instead of vanity metrics, meaning it's here to stay.

5. Own Your Achievements.

Once you've reached your goals, it's important you own them.

You'd be surprised at how many people never talk about their accomplishments.

6. Change from Negative to Positive Mindset.

Simply thinking positively can change everything.

Instead of focusing on everything that can go wrong, start focusing on everything that can go right.

What you focus on, often becomes reality.

7. Practice Gratitude.

When you practice gratitude, fear disappears and abundance appears.

It's important to think about all the things you have to be grateful for, instead of what you don't have.

Stop approaching life with a negative mindset, and things will change.

8. Learn to Visualize

When you visualize something over and over again, your mind begins to believe that it has already happened.

When the situation finally arises, your brain thinks, "I got this!"

Remember that you get what you focus on.

9. Stick with Healthy Habits

Stop eating junk food, cut down time spent on social media for the sake of entertainment, use social media to acquire knowledge, increase smartness level.

Quit extensive hours of gaming.

Stop watching porn.

Quit recreational drugs.

Although they may seem harmless at the time, your bad habits have immense effects on your confidence and mental health.


--post lifted from The Male Architect in Twitter, with some added insights from bmvd

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Official Ten Code (ie) 10-4

Ever wonder, if there are other other 10-codes out there aside from the famous 10-4 (Ok, Message received / Roger!) ?

Welp, here you go for the other 10-Codes, gathered from a cuppa-coffee print with a 4-decade age:

10-1 Receiving poorly

10-2 Receiving well

10-3 Stop transmitting

10-4 OK, message received

10-5 Relay message

10-6 Busy, stand by

10-7 Leaving air

10-8 In service

10-9 Repeat message

10-10 Transmission complete

10-11 Talking too fast

10-12 Visitors present

10-13 Advise road/weather conditions

10-16 Make pickup at

10-17 Urgent business

10-18 Anything for us?

10-19 Nothing for you,

10-20 My location is---

10-21 Call by telephone

10-22 Report in person

10-23 Stand by

10-24 Assignment completed

10-25 Can you contact

10-26 Disregard last info

10-27 Moving to Channel

10-28 Identify station

10-29 Time up for contact

10-30 Does not conform to FCC rules

I wonder what happened to 10-31?

10-32 I will give a radio check


10-34 Station in trouble, needs help

10-35 Confidential info

10-36 Time check

10-37 Wrecker needed

10-38 Ambulance needed

10-39 Message delivered

Same...I'm wondering what happened to 10-40?

10-41 Tune to Channel

10-42 Traffic accident at

--compiled by Mac from cuppacoffe printed image lifted in reddit

Saturday, August 06, 2022

iOS16 How To Tie-Up Focus On Your Lockscreen?


iOS16 offers again another cool customization on the lockscreen, which is to add or tie-up the Focus feature  (Sleep, Work, Gym, Personal, etc) on your desired lockscreen.

Given that lock-screen can have multiplicity, each lockscreen can be customized with:

1. wallpapers

2. depth effects and 

3. fonts

4. widgets

5. Focus

and the good thing about  #5 is you can add "focus" into it - depending on your mood.

Hit the play button to learn more.


Saturday, July 30, 2022

How To Customize Lockscreen in iOS16 with Depth Effect?


iOS16 Public Beta and Developer's Beta as of this writing are on on its beta 2 and beta 4 respectively. Inorder to experience the new lockscreen feature, please re-think before you install iOS16Beta on your device specially if its your daily driver. 

It's defacto, that beta versions would still have bugs and some apps may not be compatible - - sooooo, install at your own risk!

The video below depicts how to customize lockscreen and how to manipulate the depth-effect! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 28, 2022

25 Unwritten Rules A Man Should Follow


1. Open doors for everyone.

- Do it as the need arises, act as if it's your built-in gesture.

2. Always thank people for having you over or having you out.

- Practice gratitude, just as you practice kindness.

3. Speak Less than you take in.

- Listening makes you increase wisdom, and a way to improve observational skills.

4. Argue to learn, not to fight.

5. Be humble in success.

6. Be ready to pay for the meal at all times.

7. Always let ladies go first.

8. When introducing someone, always introduce the eldest first.

- Say it with conviction & politeness.

9. It's OK to be mad, but don't show it.

- A raging bull always creates mess.

10. Don't fall into the trends of society.

11. Realize you can't believe everything you hear.

- Fact-checking is not only applicable in the digital era, it's been the norm from great men of history.

12. Take Leadership seriously.

- Because you are passing legacy through your influence and skills. You want it to improve lives and the the unstable situation, stable and prosperous.

13. Know that others always look up to you. 

- Keep & sustain your positive and gentlemanly traits -- these may be the factors why others (younger or older than you), are keeping you as their "idol"or even a "hero".

14. Don't make something that's not there.

- In short, do not lie. Be a man of integrity.

15. Realize ... everything happens for a purpose.

16. Put away your phone when around your family.

17. Learn how to cook the basics.

18. Prepare for the future work for today.

- Failing to plan is like planning to fail. Do everything with the best at heart.

19. Have proper hygiene.

- Smelling nice is beyond compare. It speaks of cleanliness and organization.

20. Always look the person you're shaking hands with, in the eye.

21. Don't worry too much about others opinions.

22. Don't force things to happen.

- Learn when to stop, learn to let go when things are beyond salvaging.

23. You are a protector. Not a batterer, especially for women.

24. Never get addicted to anything, even porn.

25. Respect yourself.


// The enumerated 25 pointers were lifted from @Visual_Guide and short captioned / described briefly by billymac


Translated in Tagalog / Filipino

1. Pagbuksan ng pinto ang lahat.

2. Palaging mapagpasalamat.

3. Laging magsalita ng kakaunti kaysa higit pa.

4. Makipagtalo para matuto, hindi para lumaban.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Iglesia Ni Cristo On Its 108th Anniversary (5 Interesting Facts About The Church Of Christ)

Fact #1 - The Church of Christ is a church for all peoples.
What does that mean? Researched from the website… The church of Christ is for everyone who will embrace the true faith regardless of race, nationality, cultural background, social standing, economic status, and educational attainment.

Fact #2 - The Church of Christ is not limited in the Philippines, it has been spread-out across the six inhabited continents of the world.
The Iglesia Ni Cristo has an international membership of 149 racial and ethnic backgrounds. Whoaw!!! It maintains nearly 7000 congregrations and missions grouped into more than 178ecclessiastical districts in 161 countries and territories in the world.

Fact #3 - The doctrine: One God, The Father
The Church of Christ believes that the one and only true God is the Father, the creator.
God is a spirit, and therefore, He has no flesh and no bones.
There is no trinity of persons in God. As quoted from the website, quote "Though the Bible speaks of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spiri - never does it refer to all of them as gods nor as three persons in One God; rather, it points to the Father alone, as the True God.
In Psalms chapter 90 verse 2, God is from everlasting to everlasting; with no beginning or end. In First Timothy - Chapter 1, verse 17 - God is immortal; and does not tire nor become weary - - (from Isaiah Chapter 40 verse 28)

Fact #4 - The last Messenger of God prophesied and realized through the late Brother Felix Manalo who became an instrument in the re-establishment of the Church founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century re-appearing in the Far East - the Philippines in the era of the ends of the earth.
The Iglesia Ni Cristo believes that the task of understanding God's words in the Bible , and teaching them without any alteration, without adding or diminishing, is given exclusively to the messengers of God.
From Romans Chapter 10 Verse 15: And how shall they preach, unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!"
The Church of Christ believes that the late brother Felix Y Manalo is God's messenger in these last days; he was the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies concerning the messenger from the Far East (revelations chapter 7 verses 2 to 3; who would preach to God's sons and daughters in these last days -- our time (Isaiah Chapter 43 verses 5 to 6, chapter 46 verse 11 and chapter 41 verses 9 to 11).
God reveals the meaning of His words to His Messengers by means of the Holy Spirit (2nd Peter chapter 1 verses 20 to 21, and the proof that the messengers were inspired by the Holy Spirit is that their teachings never contradict one another (1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 13).

Fact #5 The Holy City, The New Jerusalem… The Promised Land
The Iglesia Cristo believes that there is a Holy City being prepared by Christ and promised to His disciples to which He will bring them on His Return (John Chapter 14 verses 2 to 3),
The Holy City is glorious, having the glory of God (revelations Chapter 21, verses 10 to 21. 
This is the future home of the members of the Church of Christ who stay faithful up to the end. Life in the Holy City is perfect - no need for sund and moon and no night (revelations chapter 21 verses 23 to 25 and chapter 22 verse 5), no food and water shortages (revelations chapter 22 verses 1 and 2), no more curse (revelations chapter 22 verse 3), no more hunger, thirst, sorrow, pain, death, and evil. (rev chapter 7, verses 15 to 17, and chapter 21 verse 4)
Only those given by the Father to Christ can enter the New Jerusalem (John chpater 17 verse 12). And those given to Christ are called by God into the fellowship with Christ, and this calling is done by means of the Gospel as preached by God's messengers. 
Those who are called are gathered in one body, which is the church, called, the church of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo in Filipino.. Lifted from Romans Chapter 16 verse 16 under Lamsa Translation.

Hit the link below to listen to the podcast:

5 Interesting Facts About INC
Facts lifted from

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

3 Things You Need To Do In This Age Of Increasing Internet & Social Media Dependency

1.  Unproductive days quickly become unproductive years if you don't sharpen your focus.

Building your good habits is hard at first, but once you get in to the groove, you get to enjoy the process and appreciate it, even the small successes along the way. Sharpening your focus at this age of increasing dependency of the internet and social media can be a challenge when you are mostly into consuming content for the sake of entertainment (like endless swipe up of Tiktok videos killing time), however, if you sharpen your focus by applying what you learned by creating or building out of it (like starting your own podcast or blog), you'll be craving for more to achieve your goal -- establish a worthy digital footprint meant to help others, and alongside, yourself sharpening those skills.

2.  A walk is never a waste of time, it calms the mind, it gives you ideas, you just feel happier.

Walking is an underrated form of exercise, force yourself to walk at least on a daily basis for 10 to 15 minutes; Hit the indoor walk activity if you can't go outside, but if you have a walkable surroundings like a nearby park or sports park - - go outside and wander around. Solo walking is a form of meditation.

3. The smarter you get, the less you get offended.

Your brain expands and creates more neural network as you increase your knowledge and experiences. This gets you smarter, logical, and will eventually practice - - "mind over emotions". Psychologists and researchers agree that we suffer more in our thought processes and over thinking, but you can overcome this through the constant practice of feeding your mind with wisdom by learning, failing and applying those lessons.

Thanks for reading, please like and subscribe to our contents:

Facebook or Instagram and like our Podcast - The Quarantined Tipsters Podcast

Saturday, July 16, 2022

PNK Thanksgiving On The 108th INC Anniversary


Sending this note of greetings as time flies so fast - like a wind, unseen but can be felt.

PNK stands for Pagsamba ng Kabataan - a common knowledge if you're a member of the Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo). This Saturday, the whole church is celebrating the yearly PNK mid-year Thanksgiving in commemoration of the Church's 108th anniversary of its re-establishment in these last days.

#alwaysThankful at #INC108

Why always thankful? 

Because His grace is unending,

because His love is unwavering,

because His blessings are abounding,

because His support is unequaled,

because His care is truly amazing.

It's an endless, uncountable reasons to reflect and magnify - all the love and care He provided, from the individual members to families, and the whole lot of congregations far and wide which the church has reached since 1914 and up to the present.

I am in awe, about its growth, the expansion is consistent; the parade of successes, its achievements and highlights are like a beacon of bright lights in a dark space... shining, radiating, influencing, touching lives to whoever and whatever it intersects, and even on tangential taps, are truly mesmerizing.

So before I close, from my heart to yours - to the Dads and Moms who have kids inside the church, Happy PNK Thanksgiving - - To Him Be All The Glory!


Monday, July 04, 2022

International Yoga Day 2022


Thought I will not be able to partake on this annual award for Apple Watch on International Yoga Day!

Good thing, I saw my friend Mimi notifying on my AW, she earned this special award. Therefore, i hafta to do it too! (ha ha ha).


Sunday, May 29, 2022

How To Get Discounts At Mcdo? (McDo App)


Madalas ka ba mag-take-out or kumain sa McDo?

Kung lagi kang nagkakape ng Iced Coffee with vanilla on a daily basis, best bet mo is to get the most, out of Mcdo because their McDonald's Philippines app offers a wide variety of discount.

'Di lang yan - baka naman breakfast mo lagi ay pancakes or McDo Hamdesal? - - meron yarn!

'Di lang discount na pasado sa bulsa kundi, discount na pang maramihan - as long as there are redeemable items sa "DEALS" ng McDo App, makakakuha ka at makakakuha ka ng discount.

Goto your Appstore (if you're an iOS user), or Playstore (if you're in the Android ecosystem) and search "McDo App".

- Download the app

- Register to create an account! Presto, you can now use the McDo App.

Click (tap) mo yung "Deals" na tab sa baba, and choose the you want.

Click (tap) mo yung Redeem, tapos magbibigay sha ng three-digit (3 digit code) - and eto yung ibibigay mo sa cashier if you're dining in, or pede rin sa drive-through.

Naka-discount kana sa murang halaga, nag-enjoy ka pa sa favorite mong McDo fast food, as long as available siya sa Deals.

Nag-iiba-iba ang deals depende sa oras or time of the day. Kung breakfast time, mostly ang mga deals ay pancakes, Eggdesal, hamdesal, etc.

Bottomline neto, Mcdo App is so useful at handy for huge deals and discounts which is beneficial for those Mcdo lovers out there.

Start using it, and thank me later.


note: This McDo app was discovered by me back in the days when i snapped a QR code of their paper advertisement from their dine-in tray. That's where i have started using it ever since -  two years ago. I hope makatulong to senyo McDo lovers.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Coffee Vs Tea

 Team #coffee or team #tea ?

Whichever your mood booster goto is, let's take a quick snapshot what are the differences for each.

The choice between coffee and tea often depends on personal preference, as both beverages have unique characteristics and benefits. Here's a comparison to help you decide:


The Benefits

1. Higher Caffeine Content

Coffee generally contains more caffeine than tea, which can provide a stronger energy boost and improved alertness.

2. Rich Flavor

Many people enjoy the bold, rich flavor of coffee, which can be enhanced with various brewing methods and additions like milk, cream, and syrups.

3. Potential Health Benefits

Coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of certain diseases, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and some types of cancer. It also contains antioxidants.

The Cons

1. Acidity

Coffee is more acidic than tea, which can lead to digestive issues for some people.

2. Potential for Jitters

The higher caffeine content can cause jitters, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, especially if consumed in large amounts.


The Benefits

1. Variety of Flavors

Tea comes in a wide range of flavors and types, including black, green, white, oolong, and herbal teas, each with its own unique taste and health benefits.

2. Lower Caffeine Content

Tea typically has less caffeine than coffee, which can be gentler on the nervous system and less likely to cause jitters.

3. Health Benefits

Tea, especially green and black teas, is rich in antioxidants and has been associated with various health benefits, including improved heart health, reduced risk of stroke, and potential cancer-fighting properties.

The Cons

1. Less Intense Energy Boost

Due to its lower caffeine content, tea may not provide as strong an energy boost as coffee.

2. Milder Flavor

Some people may find tea's flavor to be less robust compared to coffee.


Both coffee and tea have their own unique benefits and drawbacks. If you prefer a stronger caffeine boost and a rich flavor, coffee might be the better choice for you. If you are looking for a gentler caffeine option with a variety of flavors and health benefits, tea could be the way to go. 

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your personal taste and how your body responds to each beverage.
