Saturday, July 16, 2022

PNK Thanksgiving On The 108th INC Anniversary


Sending this note of greetings as time flies so fast - like a wind, unseen but can be felt.

PNK stands for Pagsamba ng Kabataan - a common knowledge if you're a member of the Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo). This Saturday, the whole church is celebrating the yearly PNK mid-year Thanksgiving in commemoration of the Church's 108th anniversary of its re-establishment in these last days.

#alwaysThankful at #INC108

Why always thankful? 

Because His grace is unending,

because His love is unwavering,

because His blessings are abounding,

because His support is unequaled,

because His care is truly amazing.

It's an endless, uncountable reasons to reflect and magnify - all the love and care He provided, from the individual members to families, and the whole lot of congregations far and wide which the church has reached since 1914 and up to the present.

I am in awe, about its growth, the expansion is consistent; the parade of successes, its achievements and highlights are like a beacon of bright lights in a dark space... shining, radiating, influencing, touching lives to whoever and whatever it intersects, and even on tangential taps, are truly mesmerizing.

So before I close, from my heart to yours - to the Dads and Moms who have kids inside the church, Happy PNK Thanksgiving - - To Him Be All The Glory!
