Tuesday, July 19, 2022

3 Things You Need To Do In This Age Of Increasing Internet & Social Media Dependency

1.  Unproductive days quickly become unproductive years if you don't sharpen your focus.

Building your good habits is hard at first, but once you get in to the groove, you get to enjoy the process and appreciate it, even the small successes along the way. Sharpening your focus at this age of increasing dependency of the internet and social media can be a challenge when you are mostly into consuming content for the sake of entertainment (like endless swipe up of Tiktok videos killing time), however, if you sharpen your focus by applying what you learned by creating or building out of it (like starting your own podcast or blog), you'll be craving for more to achieve your goal -- establish a worthy digital footprint meant to help others, and alongside, yourself sharpening those skills.

2.  A walk is never a waste of time, it calms the mind, it gives you ideas, you just feel happier.

Walking is an underrated form of exercise, force yourself to walk at least on a daily basis for 10 to 15 minutes; Hit the indoor walk activity if you can't go outside, but if you have a walkable surroundings like a nearby park or sports park - - go outside and wander around. Solo walking is a form of meditation.

3. The smarter you get, the less you get offended.

Your brain expands and creates more neural network as you increase your knowledge and experiences. This gets you smarter, logical, and will eventually practice - - "mind over emotions". Psychologists and researchers agree that we suffer more in our thought processes and over thinking, but you can overcome this through the constant practice of feeding your mind with wisdom by learning, failing and applying those lessons.

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