Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Mental Lexicon: crisis undelivered

Don't change on me. Don't extort me unless you intend to do it forever. 

As part of my never-ending quest to append the list in my vocabulary, i'm starting a new series in my blog called Mental Lexicon. As you've noticed on the left side column last week, i've been posting words with their meanings beside their word class. I cannot deny the fact that i have some grammatical lapses at times but what is most important is to strive for progress, and that is one of the reasons why i'm going to religiously post words everyday thru the mental lexicon sidebar; a word a day, 7 words a week and this will be posted as a weekly entry to this blog.

I can't think of any more creative scheme in the enrichment of my vocabulary of the english language other than this, it helps to improve my retention of words. If you're going to ask how do i pick my word of the day, it prolly depends on my mood and mental ability to remember the most striking word i've met during the whole day that passed. As long i my internet is up, i'd do my best to post the word of the day.

If you're generous enough, you may want to drop a WORD of the DAY in the comments section, lucky you if the word you said is a stranger in my vocabulary, i'd be happy to post it and add it up the next night. AND OR if the word you want me to add is something you may want to ponder on later. MY BIG REQUEST though is to leave your codename along with the word, so i can attribute it to you in my blog post.

Here's the first batch of the 7 day adventure of word encounters. I have called the bunch "CRISIS UNDELIVERED", so the title says it. Try to internalize the common denominator of 'em all.

FLUTTER, October 25 2010
(verb) Move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
(noun) The act of moving back and forth

CHASM, October 26 2010
(noun) A deep opening in the earth's surface

ESCHEW, October 27 2010
(verb) Avoid and stay away from deliberately

HAMPER, October 28 2010
(verb) prevent the progress or free movement of;
put at a disadvantage

(noun) a restraint that confines or restricts freedom ;
a basket usually with a cover

ROGUE, October 29 2010
(noun) A deceitful and unreliable scoundrel;
A pleasantly mischievous person

WEAN, October 30 2010
(verb) detach the affections of
(noun) a young person of either sex

GORGE, October 31 2010
deep ravine (usually with river passing thru it;
a narrow pass (especially one between mountains);
the passage between the pharynx and the stomach

overeat or eat immodestly;
make a pig of oneself
