Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tips in Perfecting the Opening Spiel

My mentor once said that "The moment you press the Auto-IN button on your deskphone and a call comes in, you 're already affecting the customer". So it holds true that as soon as you said your opening spiel, you are giving your first impressions to the customer.

A sloppy beginning always turns out to be a horrific ending. You don't want passing escalations to you SUP all the time, don't you? Here are tips to doing it right the first time on your opening spiel.

  1. Do it Alive and Kicking
I looked up the meaning of Spiel in a dictionary and found it to be a superlative of two supporting adjectives. 'twas defined as plausible glib talk. Plausible defined as reasonable, truthful and valid while Glib as artfully persuasive. To add life to an artfully reasonable persuasive talk, mixed it an energetic emotion for it to become effective.

  1. Practice the spiel without any error
If you spilt it out with a mispronounced word, wrong intonation or wrong information. You're at a loss in making a good impression.

  1. Do not over-indulged or don't sound sexy
Some agents tend to over engaged by enunciating the spiel in a sexy manner as talking like in a phone sex, this is a big no no. Make it snappy and engaging.

  1. Be Consistent
As the shift moves on to the next legs, your voice is wearing out, your enthusiasm is exhausting. But your opening spiel should never waver in saying it out loud with consistency and persuasiveness.

  1. Do it with a smile
This should come as natural as you could. Let the customer feel on the other end your welcoming him with a smile. Believe it or not, a smile is contagious even on the phone. ;)
