Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 Steps in Improving Your Voice

You voice is one hell of an asset when you work in a BPO company.    Voice is not only a tool to convey information but it can also be a factor to make or break a negotiation, close a sale or simply a cause of miscommunication.

When you speak, your voice trails off with these three factors: Clarity, Control and Impact.

Listed below are  ten tips  to attain these three factors optimally to its full potential. (And it does apply whether you're doing a face-to-face or telephone conversation).

  1. Practice a deep-toned voice, well-paced voice.
85% of customers over the phone gained confidence from a customer service representative by their deep- toned voice, it signifies authority and trust just by hearing a well-modulated, well-paced voiced.

  1. Record your voice: listen & review
It pays to be conscious on how you sounded while speaking. This way you can be a critic with your own voice. Listen to the output and scrub the flaws.

  1. Deliver Eloquently
Too much of these: "ahh", "ahm" and unnecessary pauses would make you sound unsure and without confidence. If English isn't your native language, do not articulate what you're thinking in your native language then translating it to English later on-this will fail you big time; instead, "Think English, Speak English"

  1. Practice tongue-twisters
Speaking out "if Peter Piper pick a pack of pickled pepper, where's that pack of picked pepper Peter Piper picked?" 5 times consecutively without a single fault with sustained speed and pace will lessen your chances of stammering.
  1. Don't talk through your nose
Talking through your nose is like singing to be at worst. Practice speaking out using your diaphragm.  This will let the voice within you sounded more controlled and authoritative.

  1. Do not mumble
Talking indistinctively creates unintelligible conveyance of speech. You will be sounded like in-engage and considered as unprofessional esp when talking with customers.

  1. Use proper Intonation
The rising and falling intonation, including the monotone should be observed in appropriate cases. This way, you can emphasize your points and you will sound assertive. Use the monotone when reading out disclaimers, notices, etc.

  1. Vocalize
This may sound extreme but if you can find an open field where you can amplify your voice before you head-out for a shift would be helpful to tone and prep your voice, exercise your vocal chords, your larynx, pharynx and your diaphragm.

  1. Read out a passage or a news article once a day
A 5-minute reading session everyday augments reading comprehension, eloquence and moderate mouth exercise. Make it a habit.

  1. Constantly ask feedback from your friends on how are you sounded like
If you sound like a high-pitched parrot or a clumsy sounding telephone attendant, seek the advise of a speech therapist.
