Saturday, September 10, 2011

9 Tips to Control a Call (Call Control)

One of the ubiquitous quotes when your Boss is coaching you due to a high AHT (average handle time) is this: "Don't let the customer control you, You must control the call"

Below are applicable hands-on tips in controlling a customer whose behavior ranges from easy-going to a domineering type.

  1. Set Expectations Early
Upon identifying the problem and diagnosing the issue, roll-out what the customer needs to expect on the possible cause and effect of the solution/s.

  1. Convey Possible Solutions and the worst-case scenario
This is a follow thru of #1, you must let the customer know your possible solutions and the worst-case scenario early upon diagnosis

  1. Learn to apply the open-ended questions
If you're seeking for a narrative, use the HOW, WHY and WHAT questions.

  1. Learn to apply close-ended questions
To gain facts and confirmation, begin your question with a "DID YOU…." or use the Where and When questions when appropriate.

  1. Do not afraid to interrupt but be distinct
When you feel that the customer is overflowing his info and he seemed like a non-stop talker, wait for his short pause and butt-in.
I do not advise that you do this often but you may want to communicate to the customer that you need only the important details.

  1. Do not do over-rapport
Getting personal with the customer within the allowable boundaries is great and will add a personal touch but make sure that don't over do it. It will lead to unnecessary topics or segways.

  1. Initiate a call back
This doesn't hold true for all accounts but if you feel like you have over stayed in a call for an unreasonable basis, talk to your immediate Sup and ask permission to call back the customer or pass it through your outbound person.

  1. Manage your Hold Times
AHT sums up your time you spent with the customer + your hold time in a shift divide that by the number of calls you received. Tip, do not get over the bar on your hold time.

  1. Wrap up the call candidly
Making this as a habit in all your calls will not only sound you professional but it's a way to decrease handle time with the customer.