Monday, October 18, 2010

Elderly: love them or hate them?

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. "

It's for sure, being old is relative. When does grumpyness actually start? 

For someone who is at the age of early 30's, he could think and perceive that those who are in the range of 70's and above are considered old men.

When i was younger (teenage years). i thought of 40+ age above are kinda oldish. When you spew old age in a discourse or even just in a casual conversation, it mostly depict negativity. "Ahhh, matanda na yan, di na niya kaya pa" (Ahh, he's old now, i bet he can't do it)... Someone would remark instantly.

Despite the norms, i hardly feel uncomfy dealing with the peeps older than my age. Might be on conversation, negotiations or simply firing up a talk to a total elderly stranger, (say im walking in the park). One reason could be me being raised by my grandmother. And yes, to top it, it brings enjoyment and enlightenment to me being in the company of the elderly.

Although I have my set of friends rampantly, i noticed that most of 'em compose in the age group older than mine. I could easily complement with them and i  could not make myself walk away with their talks.

The company of the old brings wisdom (may it be the kinds of Solomon or the senior citizens in the neighborhood). Everyone has their share of knowledge and experience worth taking note of. 

Here are top 5 benefits to pay close attention to in mingling with people 2 decades (or more) older than your age:

- you get to learn the virtue of being an attentive listener. Sometimes i am too engrossed with their stories, i barely interrupt during their talks.

- you'd definitely learn to mature. Development 
and growth must not be dragged as old age approaches, and taking it from them is a sure win to learn from.

- you'd learn empathy and compassion. just by listening to their funny experiences would make you squeal in delight, and could cut you deep by their stories of sorrows and failures.

- you'd get a better, bigger picture. It's like standing on top of the shoulders of giants. In most ways, there's a surety that you'd always relate to whatever they talk esp if you're knotted in a problem solving situation. 

- you'd appreciate the essence of having stayed on this earth for a whiie. So true, whilst the glory of the youth is their strength; the beauty of the old is their grey hair. 

Each of us cannot avoid old age, unless you cannot feel time, or even if you could not, the body will always draw towards wrinkles, sagging of skin and whitening of the hair. Yet, our physique might weaken and our countenance conveys old age; all the more that our spirit be filled with gladness and love. 


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