Sunday, November 04, 2012

Conversations with my Brother

SUNDAY November 4, 2012
I was busy double checking my hymnal book this morning after i arrived from the house of worship when my phone was suddenly vibrating, i forgot to turn it off - it was my brother calling me.

Absent-mindedly, i said hello and he immediately caught my attention when he muttered that he dreamt of me last night - dead! Oh wow! is all that i could say - laughing.

So we had the brief chat and kamustahan. He went serious again telling me to be careful, telling me to take care. Although i was in happy spirits, i couldn't help myself thinking of what he said. He's a sweet brother, a cool and caring one. We get to talk twice or once a week since we're both busy with our own lives now. I am suddenly flushed with nostalgia of our childhood in the northern province.

I brushed off the impact of me hearing the news that i'm dead. And we ended the call laughing to each other, him teasing me that i could get stumbled in the choir loft. Me reverting to him that he should take care too. Letting him know that i must go since i have to prep myself for the worship service

Contemplating now about the incident earlier this morning, i have come to be at peace of the situation. That death of course is inevitable - whatever the cause could be. Natural or incidental or accidental. But to think about it, you can't ignore the scary feeling or at least a tinge of restlessness. For most of us do not think death in a daily basis, nor we try entertaining it in our thoughts. It's simply macabre, a taboo ever since. But i guess, the vital question is, are you ready to die? Are you prepared? What lies ahead after death?

For me, death is just but a sweet slumber.