Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The scare of having a fat stomach crushed by enthusiasm

There is an eloquence in true enthusiasm, let me credit that quote from my best-loved macabre author, Edgar Allan Poe. But how'd you quantify a true enthusiasm? It's more of like a subjective thought, yet, goin down to the bottom of it, this feeling of exuberance produces an effect of energetic easiness in getting things done.

It's the 1st of March, almost a quarter of the year is over again. I'm reflecting on myself what have i achieved so far this year... This could branch-out into a lot of aspects defined by the human intellect.

I could say with conviction that i'm succumbing into being a minimalist.

On the con side, it seems that there is no turning back in including rice on my food regimen again. I got so used to not having rice already for 3 months. i'd jive into it only during Fridays, or the times when my friends have to eat out for dinner - but these occasions are truly minimal. In effect, i achieved what i wanted on my stomach - a real flat one, without abs but the trimmed and toned one.

It's been always a gross thought of me having a protruding stomach (which is the norm nowadays) - /forgive me people :) . But really! i couldn't and wouldn't want a fat-belly.

But due to unavoidable circumstances, i've no choice but to eat rice everyday starting March 1st. My brain  suddenly signaled a red light! Thoughts inside me, imagining having a bulging belly immediately creeps in vividly. But Pysche is quick in thinking - it's time again to pump muscles and begin walking.  This will then lead to a more productive exercise back-to-back work out. Without this, there'd be no way to counter the scary balooning belly brought forth by eating rice.

Back to enthusiasm, i realized that this can be triggered by negative thoughts and emotions - It could make you feel alive and excited to realize a goal, or to sustain a goal you achieved by thinking about consequences. Consequence could lead to realization, but prior to consequence, the brain and our positive thinking, already channeled ways on how not to fall into a bad consequence, that's where enthusiasm comes in, to execute those ways into a good consequence. Until then, realization seeps in that you've achieve the goal without even noticing it.

It's your choice to make, how to activate your enthusiasm, that could lead to attain your wildest or maybe your simplest of dreams.

posted by mac