"A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky. "

(Context: Feels like more than a headache when your work done wasn't saved at all, take note this happened back in 2010... when the live blogger app was in its early stages of auto-save feature)
I was fuming out last night because it took me almost an hour to finalize my blog about the bed intruder song. Everything was set, the you tube videos have been embedded and my quote heading has been placed but in an instant, all the words i typed and htmls I've edited suddenly vanished. I just don't know why. And the bad thing about it was, blogger app got frozen..., worse? The autosave feature did not take effect when i checked on edit posts.
I could be blamed but i still can't get at peace to it with the lost work gone. (scratching my head again lolz). I lost momentum now in re writing the bed intruder song blog. I wish i used my OneNote in composing my entry but ugh!!! I really wanted this blogger's WYSIWYG feature that's why whenever i'm making a post, I always use this live blog editor of blogger. Just like right now, im doing it again, while my eyes is darting once in a while to the save now button if it's really auto saving once in a every few sec.
By the way Prinsesa, if you're reading this, i've added an additional one or two white fish on the side gadget as you've requested lately. I reckon u love white, lest your favorite color huh! Mine is yellow.
Wrapping things up, my mind is somewhat eased now by the regret I felt last night about my lost post. It's basically true, once and for all, that letting out what burdens you somehow alleviates the feeling in a lighter shade. Melting it down to pure solitary sobriety.
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