Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Practice random acts of kindness

It does feel great all the time when you know deep down that you have helped someone. It's the feeling when your attitude tells you to do it, without expecting something in return. Doing acts of kindness without hesitation or second thoughts deliver a sense of fulfillment.
An effect which makes you smile on your own in your solitude, leaving your thoughts amazed and rejuvinating the sense of accomplishment.

I wouldn't be citing examples here. Because i believe that these random acts of kindness comes spontaneously. When the need arises, or when a situation rolls over, your impulse and your conscience to help suddenly is on its adrenaline rush.

Your heart speaks out whenever the act of kindness is being triggered. Combine it with your mighty physical strength, everything would be possible.

Remember, it's the small things in this world that makes the whole complete. These small things are usually unknown or unnoticed by the giver of kindness but it means a lot to the receiver. The gratefulness from the receiver might not be even spoken out, but it has left a wonderful impression, both in the mind and heart.

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