Thursday, January 14, 2010

morning work out

start the day with a 20-30 minute work out.
here's my morning schedule, a daily routine i have come to live by for almost 2 years now.

i wake up at 6:30am.
- have my prayer before going out of bed
- drink two glasses of water.
- urinate
- do some stretching for 5 minutes
- prepare the matt for push ups
- 3 reps of 20 push ups
- 4 repls of 20 sit ups
- in between those reps, i stand still for 30 sec.
- stationary jog for 10 minutes
- finalize my in home work out by gulping another 2 glasses of water.

that exercise is done within 30 minutes. allotting this first 30 minutes of the my day to an exercise makes me feel alive on the day ahead, me having the clear thinking - like the effect of Lipton tea.

At first it was burdensome, motivation has it, turned out to become a habit, it has made me want more whenever i see results, in my mind and my body. Ever felt like you just can't get enough? That was the feeling i have until now. The activity can vary, you can mix it with the dance music on the background, i myself jives into yahoo music via the YM, selecting the dance category. Instantly, my focus gets aroused even more as i listen to upbeat music while doing the push-ups, stationary jogging and flexing of muscles.

After my morning exercise, i head to the kitchen and do my breakfast. Goto the shower and prepare for work.  Another good thing in being consistent about this has skipped me from the gym's fees, the time spent going to the gym, membership etc... Accomplishing this is not a matter of choice, but the will to love. Think of it and let your imagination be realized.

posted by MAC


  1. this is something "wow!" good for you, you can do your workout religiously. its one of the quadrant II activities. Hurrah for you bro!

  2. quadrant II activities? enlighten me please.
