Monday, August 27, 2012

September 12: Watch Out!!!

What come's comes in your mind when i say September 12th?

August 27, 2012

PS: think of it this way, pure elation and excitement

Worthwhile Tweets (August week 4)

"Dissatisfaction lies dormant until dreams awaken it"

"Nothing is sexier than a girl who knows how to take control"

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"

#WorstFeelings Seeing your crush flirt with someone else

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe"

"A person with priorities does what matters. A person without priorities does what is urgent"

"To lengthen thy life, Lessen thy meals"

"if you think education is expensive, try ignorance"

"It's not so much what you say that counts, it's how you make people feel"

"A river cuts through rocks not because of its power at a given moment but because of its persistence over time

August 27, 2012

Sunday Madness & Heroic Acts

I woke up with a naughty smile on my face, i dunno why but everything's so light, so tender, so painfully wonderful i couldn't describe the satisfaction and bliss i'm feeling. It's a Monday morning. I still couldn't believe what happened last Sunday. Purely awesomeness, it was a busy, tiring day... and yet it's worth it.

I was able to proved once again last Sunday that heroism exists not only on the battlefield or in public but also inside the head.. in the ability to face unpleasant thoughts.

I hope to spend more time with Thy highness, though our eyes just locked, conversing in the unknown language of the heart. A fleeting moment and Sunday was gone.

Till we meet again....

August 27, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Phrases of the Week

- this came from Jops originally, we were using it and t'was trending when we were on training with Paul along with SR batch 2. It has something to do with a cross of hyped-techy amusing behaviour. And then, i read "When the Wind Blows" (by James Patterson) last week, which had made the vigor increased for me to apply this meme to my daily conversation.
"you're such a freakazoid!!!"

- i've been trying to let this float consistently for the last two days of this week and it's still a WIP (work - in - progress). Courtesy of Chris, i guess i failed to mimic the correct accent of saying it out loud. Whyyyzzz Guy!!

- it has been a long journey, been using this way back early this year, it just dawned on me lately that this word can be viral, a sheer giver of positive energy whenever you want to give a pat on the back, or even just a wonderful idea that comes in to action.

August 25

Apple gets $1 Billion over a patent war with Samsung


The late Steve Jobs once said... "Android is a stolen product"

A tweet from Samsung today... "Today's verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer"

The lawsuit against Samsung is an implied war with Google - the maker of Android operating system for smartphones. (ice cream drool)

Read the full article from NYTIMES

What Now?

Benefits, benefits, benefits. For those who have a foresight, it means that Android developers, engineers of the iOS rivals would get more in to action of being creative, innovative and inventive - which in turn would realize the infinite possibilities of realizing those seemingly impossible to-do gadgetry for the future of smartphones.

My other two cents, imitation is the best form of flattery. Way to go Apple!

August 25, 2012