Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!

A big shout out and great happy birthday Greetings going out to:

Ms Lorie Gabatino on her birthday this November 12, 2012

Ms SarahMarie Villareal on her birthday last November 10, 2012


Multi tasking on ITIL and Shutter Island

I'm currently reading ITIL reviewers and Shutter Island.

I didn't understand the movie when i watched Shutter Island starring Leonardo diCaprio, all i deciphered at the end of the movie was that he was the a psychopath lured to enter the island and be one of the patients.

I'm trying to figure out now, from the novel, how was the story presented. Was it from the point of view of Teddy? and with this, has  the movie stick to the book?

Meanwhile in ITIL review, my exam is due at 3pm today - Manila time.

Say your goodluck for me...



Thursday, November 08, 2012

Web-based Instagram is here

It's beautiful. It's neat. It's graphical.. It's eye candy!

What more can u ask for?

Instagram web is here.

Have you got yours yet?

Check mine's:

(U must be my follower to see my images) so hit the ✔ button to follow me.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Adobe Photoshop Express for iOS

I recommend you to download PS Express for your iDevice.. Quite neat and easy to use as an editing app for your photos.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Conversations with my Brother

SUNDAY November 4, 2012
I was busy double checking my hymnal book this morning after i arrived from the house of worship when my phone was suddenly vibrating, i forgot to turn it off - it was my brother calling me.

Absent-mindedly, i said hello and he immediately caught my attention when he muttered that he dreamt of me last night - dead! Oh wow! is all that i could say - laughing.

So we had the brief chat and kamustahan. He went serious again telling me to be careful, telling me to take care. Although i was in happy spirits, i couldn't help myself thinking of what he said. He's a sweet brother, a cool and caring one. We get to talk twice or once a week since we're both busy with our own lives now. I am suddenly flushed with nostalgia of our childhood in the northern province.

I brushed off the impact of me hearing the news that i'm dead. And we ended the call laughing to each other, him teasing me that i could get stumbled in the choir loft. Me reverting to him that he should take care too. Letting him know that i must go since i have to prep myself for the worship service

Contemplating now about the incident earlier this morning, i have come to be at peace of the situation. That death of course is inevitable - whatever the cause could be. Natural or incidental or accidental. But to think about it, you can't ignore the scary feeling or at least a tinge of restlessness. For most of us do not think death in a daily basis, nor we try entertaining it in our thoughts. It's simply macabre, a taboo ever since. But i guess, the vital question is, are you ready to die? Are you prepared? What lies ahead after death?

For me, death is just but a sweet slumber.