I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
I was gasping with awe while experiencing the future of the web by actually playing around with this interactive chrome experiment. (if you'll remember, i blogged about ie9's focused usage of html5 last week, well it was only this time that i got the idea of what this html5 has to offer).
If you are a keen observer while using your browser, say you wanna watch a youtube video or anything that requires playback, sometimes you get to have this pop up message telling you to update your Flash version or giving no Flash installed notification. That is because, most of our browser nowadays are still plug-in dependent to Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight (these are third party browser plug-ins that enables video playback amongst browsers such as chrome, ie and firefox). Lo! and Behold, for this kind of dilemma (installing plug-ins) will soon be over with the birth of html5, it would be then intrinsic to our web browsers to deliver this kind of feature making the complex structure into a simple one.
That link above allows you to experience visually the horizon of html5. Not only that, ever thought of doing a drag and drop capabilities on the browser seamlessly without any third party extensions of plug-ins enabled? this is not impossible anymore with the newest html.
This image below is a doodle on a browser itself.
Another hard to resist part of this progress in technology is the ability of the web browser to display a customized screen size in video playback. Yup just like VLC where you can size and resize your screen ratio. With the web, you can actually move to the length and width you wish to.
Below are sample outputs from the wilderness downtown experiment.
If you wanna find out more about the application and visual effects of how html5 and javascript could hybrid our browsers, then take a peek with this link:
And topping my favorite from the list of experiment entries is the video below. As they say, awesome is an adjective that qualifies an inspiration.