Tuesday, December 21, 2021

INC Year-End Thanksgiving 2021


Pasalamat Year-End 2021

What are you thankful for, before the year ends?

Mauna ako... as for me, there are countless moments, milestones, and even heartaches that I am thankful for - all encountered this year.

  • I rushed myself to the ER as of late, and it may be a tip of the iceberg kind of near life-and-death situation; going there is more than enough, because i never expected to have the courage and flight of bodily ableness to bring my own self to the hospital, nevertheless, it was all good - - - that i still possess my life and strength. (the renewed vigor, to write again 😝)

  • Family-wise, i'm grateful that i am still able to put food on the table... helping and nurturing what i consider the most important people in my life; without them - life is boring, and with them, the journey just seemed bearable, as life throws unfortunate events - but who am i to complain? 

  • Things get awry on the "always impending threat" of COVID, true that -  our health is wealth, thankful that we were consistent in guarding ourselves against the disease. Oh yeah, can't help but express my note of appreciation to my friend, and the vaccine-enablers, and to our government (PH) for the well-thought off classification of who goes first - - i feel that it was seamless, most especially on those cities/towns who used the technology, to make the process efficient.

  • Friends, close friends, brethren friends, readers of this website, stranger/s turned to friends encountered during walks and physical fitness, online and offline friends --- ahhh, you gave color and excitement to live daily in the course of this year! Thank you!

  • Church-brothers-and-sisters, fellow MTs, MT super friends - the closely-knit support system - invisible as it may be, yet, felt really deeply with utmost efficacy, is truly remarkable, without you, the struggle would appear like an endless battle, but then, your "light" gave hope; darkness at least faded significantly, and we braved along the demons and 360 degree arrows of victories and failures shot upon us.

  • Professionally, a whole lot of thanks to my boss - one of the bestest (superlative for best, in my own lingo) i've known in this planet; the opportunities, the projects, the trainings, and advices... awesomely placed like puzzles transcending towards completion - still amazes me to this point!

  • Change --- work-wise, saddening but reality is lifer. Kept me grounded, kept me to continue my introspection, kept me to expand the gift of connectedness and ideation! I thank the unknown for the shift, because i look forward to what the future may bring.

  • Duties in INC - without these, i don't know if i survived this year! It's really difficult to convey why the case may seem to be, but think of it this way - these duties are the anchors that i used in order to remain on the path of the direction where i'm headed, it's the compass that tugs my faith, will, and character in-check. 

It's been a renewal of vows, every year before it ends; like a devotion - to recognize, glorify, praise, magnify His power, mercy, and love. The higher Being - i believed in, God.

I'm saying again with conviction - the gift of faith is beyond measure that i can think of in this universe. Some may not be able to relate, and i respect that, and for those who are able to relate - let's rejoice, with our hearts shouting in joy, although it reverberates only in silence, but the sensation of fulfillment is truly astonishing! Thankful to Him from the beginning and beyond.

Happy Year-End Thanksgiving, everyone!

on consumated #coffee and #applemusic 

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