Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Daily Stoic

I'm excited. I started reading books again - the extended holidays (Thanksgiving and the Friday after that) gave me the inspiration to go back to where my roots at - learning, and constantly seeking wisdom.

And to inculcate or simply put - provide an imprint to my heart and mind what i am reading, i decided to blog it in pieces (along with FB and Insta post). It's true - the more you recreate what you read - the more it would leave a mark in your memory; the actionable items will also be easily taken into reality.

I am glad to share the book's title -  The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday.

Reading the introduction of the book, these were the matters of my decision making why i have to finish and digest this book.
  1. Knowledge ~ self-knowledge in particular is freedom
  2. The emphasis of cultivating resilience, purpose and joy
  3. It's an ideal personal operating system
  4. Applying and learning philosophy at the same time.

Please be with me in this journey - mostly, if not, the main purpose of me blogging this is to share and let the underdogs (hidden gems) of the internet share what truly matters - beneficial for mankind, this precious knowledge that everyone must seek and master.


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