Friday, March 20, 2015

Pocari Sweat Water

I've been seeing this as a grab a drink essentials from one of my buddies in Almanza Las PiƱas back then. I was just ignoring it because I thought it was just a fav. But one day, after leaving Lpc and now staying in Imus, i felt so thirsty (just right after having my choir duty at church) and I couldn't bear it any longer, like I was about to shrink with my need of water. Tongue-out like a dog, I went straight ahead to the nearest convenience store and my eyes and my hands coordination got tempted by the water below as it was so cold when I touched it and it was so sparklingly clear when my eyes gaze it from the glass pane of the cooler.

It's just a wonderful feeling, maybe because I was so thirsty that I gulped it down in less than a minute straight or maybe because the taste is so indescribable I want to get a hold of this with so much load in my mouth. Hahaha! It has a different taste! It's clear water but the taste, uhm! Yeah so so so nice to the taste buds. It's like a lemonade but it's not, it's like a super class A lemonade 30% with 70% water solution.

It hydrated me immediately. I felt high like I was super happy. Try it yourself, it's actually more often seen at 711s. It's where I saw my buddy used to buy it from.
