(Note: You are reading this short story created circa 2015)
This is a guest post from a friend, let's name her with a sobriquet -
Dilaw na Rosas. It does hurt when your heart gets broken - so they say.
But if I may, It's a choice of thinking and feeling, whether you allow your mind and emotions to be pained, your soul to be crushed or wallow in bitterness.
They did say too, that you have to feel the pain and get through it in order for you to move on. But yeah, again, a choice of thoughts and how you feel.
As a sojourner - it's true that we feel different, man-made named emotions such as hatred, loneliness, emptiness, worry, delusion, being fooled, maltreatment and the list goes on - the norm of negativity thoughts, however, these what makes one enhances the essence of living -
it's what makes life meaningful, it's what makes one appreciates the opposite of those negativities - for us to feel, and see the beauty of happiness, contentment and see the promise of hope.
Let's read her story and here how it goes:
"Where do broken hearts go?" ๐ถ๐คThis was a famous line from Whitney Houston's epic heartbreaking song. My question is - " saan nga b?" My first heartbreak was last December of 2013. After 7 long years of dating only 1 guy since college it was surprising that i felt numb but felt so painful inside. Maybe, i love him so much. That we were best of friends and we shared a lot of memories together. You wished that he will be your first and last. I prayed to God when we met last May 2005 that if we're meant to be then keep him in my life, but if he will just hurt me then don't let this person do that and keep him away. Finally, through my friends intervention i was able to move on. Just a splash of light, the next day December 26, 2013 - a familiar face sent a message thru fb and greeted me since it was a holiday. I learned to trust the person and eventually love and accepted him. It was a challenge for us especially on my part since my family don't know him and his facade is different from his personality. Only me and his family know true him. Months go by, after a year and then a green sign came along. It was hard for me since i will be assigned from south and he's from north. He assured me that we will find time to see and spend quality time together.
After a month, he became cold, short txts, no I love you anymore until he advised that he doesn't want to see me for the meantime. I thought i died after that. While driving, i felt so scared and hurt. A lot of questions came into my mind but no one wants to answer. I just want to breakdown and cry in the middle of a huge room with people taking in calls. I usually ask other people "how are you?" But during that time i felt that if sum1 asks me that question i will just cry and drive going to nowhere. It was so painful, i love him and he means a lot to me. I always pray for him bec i know that im praying for my future husband. That feeling that you were not enough strikes me again and thinking of maybe he found another girl. Then a picture of their faces crossed my mind - my nanay, tatay, inang,my sisters, brother, my titas and my friends.
My heart longs for that unconditional love and care. Who in spite of the distance, they still love me. I maybe not be perfect but i know that i gave my best to love him. Broken hearts go to where truelove exists. I was reminded that -
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always endures." Sometimes you just need to be thankful for the heartaches because God is redirecting you to someone better. ๐๐๐
Post from Dilaw na Rosas
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