Sunday, August 19, 2012

6 Commonly Confused Words

(August 18,  2012)

I was skimming wall posts of friends in Facebook last night and i came across with this comment on a picture with a gorgeous Victorian house background, it said "Where there that?"

I can't help but smile and laugh - the comment wants to convey "Saan yan?" in Tagalog. True to my senses, the comment was imprinted in my mind and it inspired me to write this post - 10 commonly confused words 6 Commonly Confused Words. Then it dawned on me that i too, sometimes fall in epic wrong choice of words. 

I certainly wanted to improve, and it served me right when my mentor provided feedback that i tend to utilize hifalutin adjectives and phrases that poses confusion and misnomers to ideas i wanted to convey.

The list is based on my observation and reading experiences from emails, to published and unpublished articles, not excluding text messages and other forms of communications in our daily lives. 

Check it out and learn..

1. Affect or Effect
There's a still fine line between these two especially when "effect" is used as a verb.
Effect as a verb means to bring about or to accomplish; while affect means to influence.

"It affects me to share my personal trauma to strangers, because, it effects to remember the wounds in the past"

2. Allude or Elude
Elude is to escape
Allude is to make indirect reference

"The gentleman eludes his ex because escaping her alludes to freedom"

3. Can or May
Can is for ability
May refers to permission

4. Farther or Further
Farther must always be used when talking about distances.
Further is most suitable for quantities of time.
"We ran farther down the sloping hills"
"I discussed the topic further with utmost deliverance"

5. Good or Well
When talking about attitude, use "good".  I feel good today.
When referring to health conditions or performance, it's proper to say 'I am feeling well now" or "She performed well on the stage"

6. Irregardless or Regardless
There's no such thing as irregardless.

Writing and speaking clearly can surely deliver results. You'd get your "bottom line" delivered without the consequence of frustration, ambiguity and inconvenience.

.. and most of all, it eliminates the mockery and inside funny moments from the reader or receiver of your thoughts.

August 18, 2012