Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Snail Mail for the Holidays

I spent almost one hour accomplishing the 5 greeting cards meant to be sent to my relatives abroad. I figured that I still don't have difficulty in writing cursive script. Methinks in reflection that it's been ages, of me not using the pen for long periods, the fact that I use the pen only to scribble signature on certain occasions, I deduced that you don't have to practice all the time in order for the writing skill of longhand to fade.

There were several positive vibes that came to a fleeting moment as I was writing my thoughts which is directed to one of my uncles and grandmothers. Writing in action through the traditional way of ink and paper provided me perspectives on different areas:
  • It's a sure-hit way to reminisce the memory lane with your loved ones
  • Rekindling affection that was set dormant because of non-communication for long periods of time
  • The magic of the pen and paper is still incomparable (despite email and facebook being readily available)
  • Your senses are suddenly speaking out loud that your longing for them intensified to the next level.

I wasn't thinking of the time spent, the effort flowing spontaneously, partly because I was focused to finish my deadline on this task and mainly because I was enjoying it.

One struggle I've encountered is finding the postal. The mall closest to my place do not offer postage unlike the Mall of Asia. I've no choice but to find the postal office from and within the Municipal Building.

Lo and behold, the ordinary really brings joy and awe most of the time. As the postmaster was pasting stamps on my 5 envelopes, I can't help but smile, that I've gone this far. Seeing those printed little squares with different hues and images made me believe that it was I who was about to receive those letters. Somehow, it dawned on me that each of us longed for connection most of the time. Be in a face to face situation or just the ordinary, traditional way of communication.