Thursday, May 12, 2011

nom nom nom

Rarely do i chat eversince, but suffice to say, my knowledge about the chatspeak back when i was younger carried on to these days where technology like ym, fb chat and all those mobile chat apps are overflowing.

One time,  i saw this nom nom nom nom posted on a Facebook wall. I dared never commented on what the heck is that. So i made my own research.

But before showing off what was in store on my research, let me pour out my immediate thoughts upon reading that nom nom nom nom thingee.

I was on the verge of putting it as a profanity because it stirred a sudden clipped language of Ilocanos, which is heard normally from street kids doing word fights. (nam! nam! nam!). I seconded my thoughts that it isn't the case of cursing at all.

Maybe it's an onomatopoeia of sleeping? Agh! no it mustn't be.
Aha, it's like a call for being thirsty? As you voice out the words, it sounded like someone wants a drink, real fast. Nom nom nom nom. Ain't it? like when a toddler  badly wants water, he'd blurt out 'nom! 'nom! 'nom!

So much so for my guessing game works. I consulted the big G. And here are the results:

nom nom nom represents the sound made when someone is eating or chewing something and really enjoying it (from

I couldn't make the words out of it esp on how to describe, yet this nom nom nom thing seem like got stuck in my head for a while now.

It gives a kind of satisfaction on one's mind upon reading it in the head. And oh yeah, i tried voicing it out loud trying to sound like chewing physically while murmuring the sound of nom nom nom, it worked!!!  You really feel like eating, mixed with enjoyment and satisfaction, esp upon hearing the reverberating sound of "tsalap" "tsalap" "tsalap".

Honestly, while writing this post, i'm emulating the sound through my mouth with matching nom nom nom, and i'm really laughing out loud.

On the sidelights, this nom nom nom expression was actually sounded by the cookie monster from Sesame Street while eating his cookies. So it was maybe or exactly originated from Sesame Street huh?

Now my imagination is going far beyond, it could also be used by an all-male group to denote that the lady passing by is satisfyingly sexy and magnetic. (consider it non-sexist okay?) And oh yeah again, there's a pint of truth to what i've just said, it actually is the sound/noise one makes while performing the thing on a female.

And as the roll goes by from, it's also the sound made while playing the pac-man game. Relive it, it actually is real!!! nom nom nom.

This one would be the last definition, nom nom nom also the sound made when a cat is lapping down a really good food down on her bowl. Imagine it, or try to think of your pet cat when trying to chomp down a bowl of milk. Oh yeah, it's the  tongue that really makes the sound.

It maybe not obvious but at least, i'm at peace now with the clarity and meaning of this expression. A vast outline it is for the meaning of nom nom nom, indeed!
