Wednesday, January 05, 2011

New Year 2011

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. 

fireworks gone, the bliss ebbs incessantly
excitement surging downward.. downward
into an abysmal antiquity

the toils of sweat in the past year
with ruse of exceeding glory
all came to oneness

in thought and in deed
in the endless tales of talking time
bores the lesser crime

new year here you are
in the doorsteps, ready to crumble
embracing, creeping once again

nigh almost complete
the adulation almost bearing truth
severing with flame the utmost hearth

come now, master blaster
lead the way for the merriment
and bury deep those unsung aches

new year, here you are
enveloping, gaining forward
absolve thy pangs of guilt

shallow waters, wither deep
muddle the clearness of thoughts
and revert back once the puzzle is sought

new year oh, come what may
fight for the walk is long
steadfast then and be strong

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