Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Dose of Poetry on IG


Roads and Conversations

last night...
i was sad, i looked up... 

i know 
we are seeing the same stars
we are staring at the same sky
we are enjoying the same gentleness of the wind.

we’re not sharing the same feelings.

as of yet...

- Mac

Saturday, June 23, 2018

You Said

by the way, you said before, you like
watching me asleep.
why so?

“ang calm kase”

my face...? 
or the way i breathe while asleep?


like dead calm?...
or peaceful calm?



~ Mac

Friday, June 22, 2018

For You, AT Soul

No, it’s not a lyrics of a song
neither, a poem from afar
just some random thoughts 

i guess my words came true
what i felt for you

was real.

- Mac