Sunday, March 31, 2013

Crunching Numbers

Live life to the fullest's the best way 
Live every moment intensely
..because life is too short

and the moment comes when we're going to die, 
and we would have wished to do so many things we didn't

that's why we have to enjoy every moment.
... one must enjoy life
Try not to acquire so many things
But instead have experiences
Accomplish everything you want to do
No matter the effort that it deserves
Life is too short 
... and one must relish it


Week 13 Sunday Overdrive

It's a dreary, hot Sunday morning, i slept more than 8 hours. It feels good to wake up from the kiss of sunlight as the morning humidity of summer creeps in on a Sunday morning on my bed, the curtain swaying from the breeze coming from the window. Indeed! a moment to cherish, a feeling to store in the recesses of the memory bank, for me to keep and withdraw in times of solitary meditation.

The administration eagerly wants us to be saved! Not only that they prep us for the next life to come but the eagerly wanted us to be successful also in this world.

The key? We must do our part, in obedience - to holiness.
Devoted and dedicated, unwavering and steadfast.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sleep and Thoughts

Some people say that every hour of sleep you get before midnight is equal to two, and I believe them.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 13 Wednesday

Make the most of every opportunity to do good with love in these evil days.

Three things to check-in to your daily interaction with the world:
- hearts filled with love
- minds that are clean
- faith that's strong

If you are a watchman, live up to what is expected to being a watchman. Be accountable to what has been bestowed upon you.

For our part, be appreciative for having overseers in reminding of our duties.

Do not forget to praise and express the gratefulness of your heart - for acts like these shall create exultation and the love of His will be unto you till eternity.

do not use your body in sexual sinful ways, use your body for the sake of holiness, for in this, you are exercising respect to your creator.

Love for the brotherhood.
