Monday, October 11, 2010

HTML5 : born to please

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. 

I was gasping with awe while experiencing the future of the web by actually playing around with this interactive chrome experiment. (if you'll remember, i blogged about ie9's focused usage of html5 last week, well it was only this time that i got the idea of what this html5 has to offer). 

If you are a keen observer while using your browser, say you wanna watch a youtube video or anything that requires playback, sometimes you get to have this pop up message telling you to update your Flash version or giving no Flash installed notification. That is because, most of our browser nowadays are still plug-in dependent to Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight (these are third party browser plug-ins that enables video playback amongst browsers such as chrome, ie and firefox). Lo! and Behold, for this kind of dilemma (installing plug-ins) will soon be over with the birth of html5, it would be then intrinsic to our web browsers to deliver this kind of feature making the complex structure into a simple one.

That link above allows you to experience visually the horizon of html5. Not only that, ever thought of doing a drag and drop capabilities on the browser seamlessly without any third party extensions of plug-ins enabled? this is not impossible anymore with the newest html.

This image below is a doodle on a browser itself.

Another hard to resist part of this progress in technology is the ability of the web browser to display a customized screen size in video playback. Yup just like VLC where you can size and resize your screen ratio. With the web, you can actually move to the length and width you wish to.

Below are sample outputs from the wilderness downtown experiment.

If you wanna find out more about the application and visual effects of how html5 and javascript could hybrid our browsers, then take a peek with this link:

And topping my favorite from the list of experiment entries is the video below. As they say, awesome is an adjective that qualifies an inspiration.


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Differential Equations

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. 

of all the things that outcries my tune
is the emblem of my singing rune
to dance in the flames so hot
bearing this shy type heart

but i know, its never going to happen
the crazy, madness, bursting zen
for the angels are at guard
those demons won't do no ward

ninety-six are those forgotten
grumpiness, when is the start?
is it through feelings that squirted?
or 'tis old age that vibrated?


(i hope im not too blunt here. riddle me please. whatever you thought about it, keep it to yourself)

Friday, October 08, 2010

iE9 - unleash a more beautiful web

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.

I'm beginning to love Internet Explorer 9 as my days of usage is counting up. Sometimes less is more, ie9's minimalist appearance is wayyyyyy attractive than to Google chrome's minimalist theme. Microsoft has made a true revamp from what has been the trademark of ie since its advent on the version 6, where clutter is always the x-factor, most especially to those branded PCs where toolbars for antivirus and search engines are always incorporated to internet explorer.

internet explorer 9's fresh cut

google chrome's late night theme

(click the image to have a larger thumbnail)

Cheer up ie aficionados! Although ie9 is still on its beta version, it seldom crashes (based on my experience usage of 2 weeks now). A Plus on this newest version was 
the power of the browser's address bar to serve as search box redirecting to whichever is your default search engine(just like Chrome). If Bing is your default search engine or Google; this browser flawlessly return search results upon typing keywords (or searches) on the address bar itself. Not to intensify the fire that Bing is advancing as a search engine, trying to compete closely now with the big G.

The tools menu has been simplified as well, and yes the Internet Options tab is still there. Big bonus though is the addition of Safety Browsing (aka incognito mode in Chrome) and not say the least, a download manager has been imparted too. (yey!). Another cool about iE9 is its focus on HTML5 - the ever growing mark up language for the web.

When it comes to speed as a browser, i'd still choose Chrome for it's super savvy speedo delivery in loading up a website (could it be probable that since  i mostly use google services such as reader, mail, blogger, buzz, etc; the loading of pages is much faster? yep! i can feel the difference when i load up my blog from Chrome and from iE9, leaving the latter a lil bit late yet the obviousness is simply felt. I think it has something to do with caching.

You have nothing to lose when you try this iE9's beta. It's definitely worth a try to put some spice on your routinary browsing experience with chrome or firefox.  The tag line for iE9 is - "unleash a more beautiful web". so if you fancy clicking a beautiful and impressive browser. Go ahead and click the link below.

DOWNLOAD Internet Explorer 9 Beta.


Thursday, October 07, 2010

Reflections on the Social Network

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." 

My first social network site that i truly have nursed and love from the beginning is Friendster. I was hooked to it during its highest peak of fame. Time flies when i'm logged into it, clicking pictures and profiles, checking out who has viewed my profile, updating my shout out, uploading pics and incessantly staring at the screen with countless finding and inviting acquaintances, friends and human beings that seem attractive and tugging in my perspective just by looking at their photos staring back at me in return. The law of diminishing returns has its say, proving once again that as you use a service over and over again, the tendency of its effectiveness will decline after you achieve a certain level of result. Thus, tending me to deactivate and totally abandon Friendster. 

Then came Twitter, it was a flop at first use on my part. It wasn't a click on the starting stage of my usage until just recently that i came to realize and appreciate the beauty and significance of having a twitter account. Ironically, i only have 34 followers and i'm only following 30. I really don't care about the numbers. I became cautious of who i follow now since i don't want to get pissed off and dis-entertained by such annoying tweets. Really! it's so unnerving and unpleasant to see on my timeline of  those unnecessary tweets from people. No offense meant but receiving a 10-30 tweets a day from one person is just so unacceptable, not to mention that some are just being well-off or worse being bland and tasteless on what they are tweeting. Now imagine if you are following 20 persons with that same kind of tweetitude ethics, they are now flooding your timeline with garbage with unintelligible it's none of business shout outs from their profiles. So, without any guilty feelings, i had to drop some of my followers. It was kinda hard of course, it's like having no heart at all. But doing so means freeing some space on my bucket, filtering the flow of data into a much sensible one especially in the case of information overload.

The unavoidable Facebook, i couldn't count now on my fingers how many times i have deactivated and reactivated my fb account, this i perceived at times as a waste of time, but it's like a metaphor of plunging myself into licking my favorite ice cream flavor during the summer. I recently liked Mark Zuckerburg's fb page (of course im talking about here the like button from facebook). With the advent of the movie The Social Network (which i'm so eager to see), it defines more of my intense grip in spreading and nurturing my social network presence, thus i created a page for my macdosage blog. Which i'm requesting you to Like it just in case you're reading this post. (ehem!)
On the lighter side of things, dull moments are killed when i'm into facebook, reality check that is. Please negate me thru the comments below if you disagree. While this thing is so immense now into the daily activities whenever we are surfing the net, we must not forget that privacy still matters. The trend, if not the majority now i'm seeing on facebook is that, their personal identities are so much into the open. I learnt this by clicking people's profile that aren't even my friends, (prolly only Friends of Friends), and yet i can see their personal phone number with matching specified addresses and locations, those glaring photos geotagged and those pics that must have been for the eyes of their loved ones only, are now being exposed to whoever the user is (that's quite alarming, you don't want a stranger snooping at your personal stuff, don't you?).  Of course, each of us has its own prerogative. 

But come to think about it. Privacy still does matter. And it's a big deal.


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Brave heart

Beware the barrenness of a busy life. 

One of the most stunning, death defying stints i've seen on the tube so far. This adventurer cum director has one hell of a courage. Letting not only his countenance but whole being almost piped in to the crater of a volcano is purely one heck of pushing thru the limits. 

I'm trying to put myself in his shoes, yet it weakens my endurance when it comes to close contact heat. I could easily be burnt. (weh! literally and figuratively hehehe).

Take a look at this vid...

After my eyes being glued on that reality adventure, i can't help thinking beyond his courage, what if a mistake was made, out of a sudden his grip got loose on the rope and he spiraled downward into the fire... the magma eating him, chomping his wholeness in an instant, could it be like hell in this earth? Scary!
