Sunday, July 08, 2018

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate
(by Mystic)

Saint like
Angel like
Two faced bitch
Rotten of heart

Be aware...
Witch like
Tramp like
Warm filled match
Gold of heart


A piece submitted from Mystic - one of my friends in a choir group. She gets to compose poems in her leisure time. More info about her? Contact me.

- Mac

Monday, July 02, 2018

TNT Boys: Flashlight - A Filipino Kid Trio Sensation

It’s July, and this TNT Boys video is hitting the internet by suppah hot fever.

The TNT (Tawag ng Tanghalan) Boys gets to form a trio after their mutliple stints in ABSCBN’s Tawag Ng Tanghalan show.

If you are to listen intently while watching the video, I would say that the one with the ponytail can reach the highest of notes and the most charming among the three.

What’s more impressive is their harmony and them cool kiddos showing facial expressions to the likes of well-known singers. Yeah, i know it’s part of their training and grooming, but seeing them perform in this high level of quality gives the inspiration - eclectic feeling of joy.

So who are these kids?


They got to have been noticed by Beegees thru one of the group’s tweet “Imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery! Thank you #TNTBoys” because of how they rendered #Toomucheaven in Your Face Sounds Familiar program in the US.

Enjoy the vid and be stoked!


Sunday, July 01, 2018

How To Put iPhone Screen in Half (Reachability)?

This feature of the iPhone is applicable beginning on the iPhone 6/SPlus all the way up to iPhone 8/SPlus except for the iPhoneX.

It’s called Reachability, hit the vid for details.

Don’t forget to share the video. I hoped you enjoyed my voice over too!


Friday, June 29, 2018

Traffic Lights

The music played.

(our eyes locked for almost a minute,
no conversations,
yet our emotions are soaring with eagerness
to hug or possibly crash in each other’s arms)

The music stopped.

(our conversation continued,
words that were spontaneous, just anything
that the mind speaks, mundane and personal;
opening-up and the excitement felt with those
experiences ... while you were away.
and now... you’re leaving again)

(lifted from sessions at Mcdo, wee hours June 2018 with Eyespierce)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

How To Enable Audio on Screen Recording for Your iDevice?

This is quite helpful for those who want to put audio or sound during screenrecording session using your iPhone or iPad.

Watch and learn.

- Mac