Tuesday, October 30, 2012


My thoughts and prayers are with the people in the East Coast. Stay calm, for all storms will pass like a night that clears when dawn comes.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Penumbra and Robin Sloan

I'm almost done with this magical - big hearted novel of Robin Sloan. I can't help but to convey that Robin is also promoting the book "House of Leaves" which i'm gonna buy later in the Apple bookstore.

By the way, if you don't read books now, when will you be?


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Text Expander for iOS6

Back in the days where text expander for iOS5 is kind of limited, i recently noticed this helpful change in the latest version of iOS - it is now allowed to include emoticons.

General >
Keyboard >
 Shortcuts >
Click the  + to add your keyboard shortcuts (text expanders)

If you're forehead is still wrinkled on what the heck is text expander, this is a feature where you can type a shortcut keyword and it will automatically expand in to the word or phrase. What are the benefits, it saves time; those frequently used phrases or sentences can be pre-programmed as a text expander, hence , decreasing typo errors and increasing productivity.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Mom Breastfeeds a Dog

Newser has it that there's a mom who breastfeeds their dog-Spider. It was a pug she breastfeeds, she reasoned out that she never get to breastfeed her children before, and now, to fulfill her maternal desire, it was the pug which closed her circle of search for closure in the art of breastfeeding.

Check out the review from Huffington post after the break.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


ALTO by AOL, is  this the next big thing for eMail?

Based on the premiere and write ups from TechCrunch, this is an eye candy email organization tool, it's a web based app and i so hope that there'd be an Offline mode feature in to it. It looks promising, as it can cater multiple accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Aol, etc).

Read here for more details.